After eBuyer’s epic customer experience win shortly after Christmas I recently had reason to buy another graphics card from them. Surely they couldn’t repeat such a fantastic display of customer service again, could they? Well, yes actually, they can.
I ordered the card at midnight on Saturday night after a bit of a peruse around eBuyer’s deals and digital shelves. Having just had to fork out an unexpected £100 for a graphics card I chose the free “5 day delivery” option. It would be with me by the end of the week.
An email early on Monday morning let me know that it had been “Despatched”, but looking online I couldn’t get a tracking number for the consignment, so I assumed “Despatched” was eBuyer’s internal vocabulary for “sitting in an outbox waiting to be picked up by a courier”.
I was wrong. Despatched means despatched, and yesterday (Tuesday) morning arrives, guess what is waiting for me as I rock up to work? That’s right.
Remember, folks, great customer experience isn’t sorting out the problems when they happen; it’s taking every step to make sure those problems don’t happen to begin with, while keeping a huge smile on your customers’ faces.
eBuyer, I salute you!
(Well, not really. That would be weird. But I’m dead impressed).